Thursday, December 6, 2012

Cover Letter

Dear Reader,

            I came into this English 115 not knowing what to expect to learn from this class. Feeling like I already knew the basics of English, I should already know how to write a strong and successful paper at college level, but I was wrong. There was so much I had not learned about from my previous classes and all the different styles of papers you can write. Me being a third year college student in a freshman class made it very difficult for me in the first couple of weeks. I didn’t think I knew everything there was to writing, but having an older mentality than most of the students in the class I felt I had a slight advantage in taking this English course, man was I wrong. Feeling like I had seniority had kind of held me back in the beginning, but as the course went on, I started to notice that I could learn a lot from this course because there was still a lot of learning about writing that I never touched upon. My writing was average when I began this course, but being naive I felt like it would be advanced for an English 115 class, but I soon found out that it was actually a little below average. This course has inspired me to improve my writing and also how to read and comprehend effectively. I have always wanted to be a stronger writer and in the past classes I have taken, it had all been the same teaching methods so I was hoping that this class would really go into detail by taking me through the process step-by-step of how to truly improve my English fundamentals.

            After I had let my guard down and realized the amount of valuable information I could learn from this class, I started to see a positive change. Whenever I read for my English classes before, I would always read a line then have to go back to certain lines because I would read sometimes and not comprehend any of it at all. I had learned about annotating this semester, which had really helped me read and retain the information I was reading about. Whenever I was confused by what the author was saying or trying to say, I would write a question down and then continue reading to see if the author had answered my question that I was not too sure about before. I had written personal essays in my life time, but none like in this class, the topics we wrote about were a lot more “personal” and wasn’t just another assignment we had to do, but one that we enjoyed writing and had taught me that writing could be fun and a way to express ourselves. On top of writing meaningful personal essays, I learned how to look into things in a lot more detailed perspective. Our second essay had a lot to do with the social media, and I had no clue how in depth you can go into something as small as a movie poster.  Many people just see a movie poster, but there can be so many little things in there that can describe what the movie is about or is there to catch a bystanders eye without them even noticing. I wrote my second essay about the movie, Step Brothers and to most people it is just an immature and funny movie and I even thought so at first before we started talking about movies and media in class. I looked into depth about the movie Step Brothers and saw that behind all the immature jokes and scenes, there was a valuable lesson and moral story behind it, which was to save and to hold on to the spirit of youth no matter how old we become. I would have never looked into something this deep before and write a whole essay on it. The last topic we are going over for our third essay was some what challenging because I have always been a fan of using technology, but being in this course I wanted to challenge myself, so I wrote a paper in a opposing view from how I felt. I had a much harder time writing this essay because it wasn’t feelings or information that I thought was true, but having to do research to try and support my argument of how technology is making us lazy. These three essays had taught me different styles of writing and how to break them down and to construct them successfully. This course has also taught me how to write an effective yet supportive thesis for my paper. I knew what a thesis was before this class, but through this class I had realized how important the thesis is for an essay because it is setting up and allowing the reader know what your whole essay is going to be about. English 115 had improved my writing and had opened my eyes a little more into the world of writing and I can say that my writing has improved immensely from where it was before looking through and editing my own papers throughout the semester.  Not only had my mind of the writing world increased exponentially, but I have learned so many different ways and tips of how to read and comprehend what I was reading and how to set up a strong paper with effective supporting evidence. In the future I will take all these helpful tips whether it be now in college or when I have job because many jobs include writing, whether it is for your job or to network with others. Most jobs also rely on reading, which I will know how to comprehend more efficiently and be able look into closer detail.
            What I have learned from English 115 will not only helps me for future references, but also will help me learn now as a college student. Everywhere we go there is something we have to read or write, it is how our universe communicates and grows from each other. All my classes I have now, I have to read and write in. So why do all colleges stress reading and writing if we are never going to use it in the future? It is because no matter how old we get or where we go in life, we will have to keep learning and growing and we can’t accomplish much without the key component of writing and reading. This English 115 may be a very miniscule thing in my life for the future, but what I have learned from this class has taught me many tips to that I will take with me to help lead me in the right direction and move on to bigger things in life. Sure this class was just another class I took, but in a few years from now it will be like any other class, most of us won’t remember exactly what we did exactly, but the knowledge we gained and tips we learned has helped shaped and lead us one step closer to where we stand today and what we will become tomorrow.

-Tyler Murata  

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